Monday, January 26, 2009

The Icicle

The icicle on the undercarriage
Is flown about
Over rivers of gravel and concrete
Violently shaken by the wind
And the machine
The vehicle's purpose always
Drawn up without regard
To its fragile existence

And behind the clouds
The sun waits patiently
For the unveiling that is death

The motion ends
Pit stop or refuel or destination
And a careless foot
De-roots the thing

The fall and shatter
Are no testimony
To sun or wind or gravel
The foot no testimony
To God or man or Devil

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ode to Autumn

Gasps...        Gasps...


The eyes strain
Corners fleeing each other
The room mocks the machine


The smell of fireflies
Summer night


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The thick darkness is forced back
By the lights, planted in the ground
Around the structure
It as bright as the moon
On such a night
And in some ways as deceivingly
Inside is not to be found inhabitant
Nor goods, nor furniture
Nor even remnants suggesting
Memory of such
No; all is pristine, 
Unnaturally clean even
It is a place made
For the appearance
Appearance of great potential,
For life
But life itself would be it's ruin

Outside, far outside
Across borders, an ocean
Seven cold forms huddle
Round a small fire
And are rained upon
They shake, only slightly
Having become accustomed to cold
But sway also-
Back and forth,