Monday, November 23, 2009

There's this smoked room.
It's coughing up a few more cheers, a bit more clapping.
Two lonely souls finishing up measured rhyme,
Tonal appeasement,
And a bit of distraction, a few beers is given in return.

Now this smoked room will vomit 10 or 15 people,
Give it a few hours.
They'll fall into cars,
they'll manage their way home.

The real trick, the real laugh here
There's a graveyard down the street;

They Will add to the numbers
But before that they'll see
Family and friends added to the registry

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Live on a runaway train, for a while
...while I dream
There's cloud's floating over the trees
Seems that's the way
...things will be

So I'll buy my ticket tonight
While the world it spins on its side

And I once knew a girl who
Spent all her time, making glue
But as hard as she tried, and she tried
There's just nothing in me that would apply

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Study seek relate return push forward wish fail forgive(n) stand fall broken functions somehow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Gravel stones are kicked ahead
And the tracks stretch on and on
Through silhouettes of trees
Rendered mystery by darkness
This path is not one beaten by footsteps
No; forged long ago, before me
By powers as strange as the night
Out of reach of native plea

My courage is not my own
The sum total
Of the multitude's individual's insecurities
Each step is taken with caution
While eyes pierce through
In search of dawn

Hope lies not solely in a goal
But secures its foothold
Among the very circumstances
That warrant its existence in the first place
The kingdom is at hand,
The kingdom is inside you,
The kingdom is inside me;
But cold fingers grab my shoulder
And howling wind and strange sky lights
And rustling in the brush

I may look forward
To the last leg of the journey
When mirth and intoxication of joy abound
But do so with eyes
Locked unwaveringly, necessarily,
And thus unrepentantly
On present darkness.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Warehouse

This is untitled and the first draft, completed just today without me reviewing it.  So it will probably change a bit, but leave comments and tell me what you think.  I thought it would end up being longer, but oh well.

The lights, the stars; company on this drive, like so many before and so many ahead. The clock approaches midnight, and that same old sense of urgency pushes itself to the front of mind, edging out the lulled consciousness enjoying what there is to enjoy of night- mystery, mostly.  Out of the car, through the barren parking lot that held far too few cars at this hour than an upright businessman, such as the owner of this very place, would long stand to behold.  Flukes in the system; such is the nature of the third shift in America.  All this left behind and found again with the closing of a door.

            The warehouse is a piece of art.  A picturesque path through the woods evokes a sense of what Thoreau’s soul must look like- this scene is the material embodiment of an entire sub culture. Coat rack time clock load the machine.  There were others here- dozens, in fact.  But this is solitude; mine anyway.  But music… music is a great deceiver- it pulls you into the emotions of another man, in a different place, with different experiences.  This deceiver is a great ally in a place like this.  Load the pallet, green light, unload press play.





                        Tonight would be a long night.




            Drive home.  Urgency replaced by fatigue, mystery by harsh daylight showing all for what it is.  Radio, and a few hours of other distractions to pity the day.  Then sleep.




            Coat rack time clock load the machine.  Green light unload press play.









            The corners of the warehouse slowly close inward, meet the skull and pass through.  Present rears its ugly head.  Something has gone missing.  This place is the same- double check left right.  Unload load green light.  It’s me- something is gone missing.  I’ve lost it.  Keys, cigarettes, phone; fool, they’re there.

            I am not alone here.  I’ve five minutes.  Across the floor.



            He’s tired. Comfortable. He has it.  Surely.  4/4 seventh chord.  Crash.  He has it.  Give it back.  I can’t say that!

            “What are you staring at?”

            I can’t say that.  Silence at my chair.  Shit.  Shuffle back.  Unload load green light.  Shuffle back.


            Tired, comfortable.  He has it.  They can’t both have it.  What in the hell do they have?

                        Sit down.

                        Rub eyes.

                        Unload load green light.

                        Time clock coat rack.




            Cancer is the opposite- the opposite of this is cancer.  For that be thankful.  Negative growth, I feel like the cicada that wasn’t.  I feel straw, hollow.  They don’t.  They took it.  But I would have noticed, and they had their own.  4/4 seventh chord.  Crash.  I’m not missing a distraction.  This is America.  I’m missing the link.  The chain!  Or the magnet…  Do I still have those?





            Urgency, mystery, then this.  Through the door to leave it and find it again.


                        Coat rack time clock load green light




            The foot taps and the corners of the room start their game, and here, and present, follows.  I had it before, so the answer must be here somewhere.  Shuffling.  John Phillip Tom, all three tired, comfortable.  They’ve theirs.


                        Unload load green light.



            Opening the toolbox reveals link chain and magnet.  Pull them out to unload the part.  Linked together the magnet holds and up and over and down.  They are here, they do work.  I’m not missing any parts.  Load green light.  I have what they have.  But I don’t.





            Dissonant, blots out 4/4 seventh chord crash.  Today there is a meeting.  What is today?  Today there is a meeting.

            The conference room fills with us.  We do the filling, though not one wants any part of it.  Procedure, financial report bonus check.

            Bonus check.

            It fills them up.  Look how they glow; like dying embers in the dark.  What do they have?”




            Shit.  Butterflies in the stomach, the only place butterflies bother here.


            “Did you have a question?”

            Well, sort of you b

            “Sort of.”




            “Will the new forklift arrive soon?  The old one shut down again.”

            “It will be here tomorrow.  Anyone else?”





            The room begins to empty.  My shoes are untied.





            “Take tomorrow off.  Go talk to someone.  You’re actin’ funny.”



                        STATICSTaticStaticstatic Door


                        Daylight Drive Sleep




            Stiffness and drowsy.  Sun in the window?  I have the day off.  I have the day off.  I must have left it outside.  Yes, surely- it isn’t to be found at the warehouse, I have my things there.  It’s in the park!  Of course.


            I grab my keys and start my car and drive to the park.




            I park the car and go for a walk.


            Children are playing and parents are enjoying each other’s company.  Birds sing.  Bikers.  Concession.




Friday, February 13, 2009


Our condition, modern world. Life is two stepping stones- Seeking time's passing, And seeking to pass time. The far bank is death. I watch as people hop Between the two, Before growing bored And leaping to the bank. I grew sick of the first stone, then the second, And having only 22 years been hopping, found myself not yet bored. So instead of leaping to the bank, I leap into the stream. No knowledge of the outlet, Nor the origin, comforts me. I am but a swirling confusion

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A countenance of cynicism
Derived long ago
From plastic leaves
And fake plastic trees
Reels in its history, having
Been dealt the blow
Of pine needles
And genuine reeds

Monday, February 2, 2009

Before the sun rises
One man's breath shall come easy
And another's shall cease
And the moon will still float free

Free, and horridly dull.

Why is it surprising to think
Mankind may have importance?
I can grasp what happens
When a ball breaks a window
I cannot grasp what happens
When the choice of the throw is made

Dostoevsky, the great psychologist
Revealed mystery, not math
Newton, Einstein, etc.
Revealed causation
Revealed nothing
Revealed not even that

Why is it surprising to think?

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Icicle

The icicle on the undercarriage
Is flown about
Over rivers of gravel and concrete
Violently shaken by the wind
And the machine
The vehicle's purpose always
Drawn up without regard
To its fragile existence

And behind the clouds
The sun waits patiently
For the unveiling that is death

The motion ends
Pit stop or refuel or destination
And a careless foot
De-roots the thing

The fall and shatter
Are no testimony
To sun or wind or gravel
The foot no testimony
To God or man or Devil

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ode to Autumn

Gasps...        Gasps...


The eyes strain
Corners fleeing each other
The room mocks the machine


The smell of fireflies
Summer night


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The thick darkness is forced back
By the lights, planted in the ground
Around the structure
It as bright as the moon
On such a night
And in some ways as deceivingly
Inside is not to be found inhabitant
Nor goods, nor furniture
Nor even remnants suggesting
Memory of such
No; all is pristine, 
Unnaturally clean even
It is a place made
For the appearance
Appearance of great potential,
For life
But life itself would be it's ruin

Outside, far outside
Across borders, an ocean
Seven cold forms huddle
Round a small fire
And are rained upon
They shake, only slightly
Having become accustomed to cold
But sway also-
Back and forth,