Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Gravel stones are kicked ahead
And the tracks stretch on and on
Through silhouettes of trees
Rendered mystery by darkness
This path is not one beaten by footsteps
No; forged long ago, before me
By powers as strange as the night
Out of reach of native plea

My courage is not my own
The sum total
Of the multitude's individual's insecurities
Each step is taken with caution
While eyes pierce through
In search of dawn

Hope lies not solely in a goal
But secures its foothold
Among the very circumstances
That warrant its existence in the first place
The kingdom is at hand,
The kingdom is inside you,
The kingdom is inside me;
But cold fingers grab my shoulder
And howling wind and strange sky lights
And rustling in the brush

I may look forward
To the last leg of the journey
When mirth and intoxication of joy abound
But do so with eyes
Locked unwaveringly, necessarily,
And thus unrepentantly
On present darkness.

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